Alcon’s commitment to science-based innovation continues at this year’s American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO 2020) with a series of 21 posters and papers from studies executed by Alcon or through independent research grants sponsored by Alcon.
The scientific program at AAO 2020 includes several presentations offering a closer analysis of the novel non-diffractive extended vision IOL, AcrySof® IQ Vivity®. There are also studies on the performance of PanOptix®, the ORA System™, ARGOS® and Contoura® in advanced cataract or corneal refractive surgery and real-world data analysis with IRIS registry to understand IOL usage, monovision incidence, allergic conjunctivitis and dry eye prevalence.
View our Scientific Abstract Highlights for Alcon-sponsored scientific presentations at AAO 2020. In addition, our team of medical science liaisons, medical directors, and staff will be available virtually to answer questions. Alcon is proud of our ongoing commitment to sponsor independent continuing education.
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